September 2005
A FEW OF THE MANY REASONS TO RENEW YOUR HBAA MEMBERSHIP 1. The Home Builders Association of the Alleghenies has the lowest local annual membership dues in the state of Pennsylvania. 2. When you pay the Home Builders Association of the Alleghenies annual membership dues of $280, you also automatically join the Pennsylvania Builders Association and the National Association of the Alleghenies. 3. Members only access to special features on our HBAA webpage , the PBA webpage and the NAHB webpage 4. Get local critical news and information about construction in your local area via the newsletter or the general membership meetings.. 5. Monthly HBAA newsletter covering National, State and local information relevant to you. 6. Free PA One Call Service to all our members. 7. A local number to call and a real person to talk to about membership issues. 8. Discounted booth price at our HBAA Home / Trade show to display your product or service. 9. Extremely discounted social outings to encourage discussion of local building issues: Golf Outing, Family Picnic, Christmas Party etc. Create new business connections enhance the existing ones. 10. Free monthly general membership meetings (with dinner) where you can: talk directly to salesmen about their products or promote your products. 11. Training and education seminars for members on current legislation and products. (PA Building Codes Training) 12. Group Insurance including: Health Insurance, vision, dental life, Workers Compensation, property, casualty etc. 13. Web site design and hosting available for your business. 14. Quality Control Committee to assist in resolving disputes between builders and customers regarding quality of work.
The next HBAA Home Show is scheduled for March 21-26, 2007 at the Pasquerilla Conference Center. Watch the Newsletter for booth registration and other information when the time is near.
YOU ATTEND YOUR QUOTA OF GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS THIS YEAR? Builder members are required to attend two general membership meetings a year. Associate members are required to attend one general membership meeting each year.
ON-LOT SEWAGE SYSTEMS UPDATE The Department of Environmental Protection has historically approved certain alternate and experimental on-lot sewage systems for new development. However, the DEP is concerned that specific system technologies are not operating correctly. Therefore, certain technologies approved in the past may not be approved now. The PBA staff has offered to work with the DEP to supply scientific data that supports the use of a wide variety of on-lot technologies. For more information contact Keith Ashley at (800)692-7339 ext IMPORTANT DATES