Sept 2003
The FCC granted a stay regarding its new fax rules. As a result, the new regulations affecting fax advertisements will not go into effect until January 1, 2005. Originally the new rules were to go into effect August 25, 2003.
The two key pieces of the new regulations; First, the new rules did not allow for businesses to send fax advertisements to those with whom the business had an �established business relationship.� The second rule requires parties sending faxes to obtain prior written consent from the recipient. While it is never a bad idea to have such consent on file(you will need one beginning in 2005), there is no rush at the present time. A fax sender meets the new definition of an �established business relationship� if recipient has purchased a good or service from the sender in the proceeding 18 months. That definition encompasses any active member of an association since the member must have paid dues at some point in the past year. Also, businesses have up to three months to send fax advertisements to any party that has inquired about products or services but did not make any purchase.
If you are interested in reading the FCC actual ruling, you can
find it at �A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken.� -James Dent
PENNSYLVANIA BUILDERS ASSOCIATION TO ADDRESS MEMBERSHIP NEEDS The PBA will soon be conducting a membership needs assessment. We can not stress enough the importance of participating in this process. The PBA uses the results to develop services and programs to fit your needs. �Help Us Help You!� A random sample of members will be selected to participate. For more information on the membership needs assessment, contact Doug Meshaw at 800-692-7339, Ext 3007. You can also email him at [email protected]. KEEP YOUR GROUP FOCUSED When a group discussion goes astray, use these phrases to refocus everyone�s attention. 1. �Let�s stop for a moment and review our main points.� 2. �I�d like to go back and see how this relates to our original agenda item.� 3. �I think we�re spinning our wheels. Let�s get back on track.� (Source:Intervention
Skills. W. Brendon Roddy, Pfeiffer & Co.) Do you know why divorce is so expensive? Because it is worth it. - Chet Fluder