July 2006

Home Builders Association of the Alleghenies
Richland Square III, 1397 Eisenhower Blvd., Johnstown, PA 15904
Phone: (814)269-9268 Fax: (814)266-5108
Newsletter Advertising Contract
NAME OF COMPANY:____________________________________________________
MAILING ADDRESS:______________________________________________________
CITY/STATE/ZIP: ________________________________________________________
PHONE: _______________________________________________________________
FAX: _________________________________________________________________
E-MAIL: _______________________________________________________________
Member of the Home Builders Association of the Alleghenies? Yes _____ No _____

Order for advertising within our monthly Newsletter:
$ All ad copy and artwork must accompany this contract.
$ All advertising artwork must be photocopy ready. (B&W only)
$ All advertising contracts are for a minimum of 3 months.

Business Card (3 � x 2") $10.00 x ______ months = $_____________
1/8 page (5" x 2") $15.00 x ______ months = $_____________
1/4 page (5" x 4") $25.00 x ______ months = $_____________
� page (5" x 8") $45.00 x ______ months = $_____________
Full page(8 �" x 11") $90.00 x ______ months = $_____________

Order for a flyer attached to inside of our monthly Newsletter:
$ The flyer must be of size 8 � by 11, on standard weight paper. 
$ All the flyers are to be created by the advertiser and given to H.B.A.A.
(Please call HBAA for an estimate of the number of flyers required)
$75.00 x _____ sheets x _____months = $ ___________

Circle month you are requesting your ad period to start:
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

$ All advertising contracts must be prepaid, please attach check payable to the
 H.B.A.A. $ All advertising must be supplied to the H.B.A.A. office a minimum 
of 2 weeks prior to the advertising month.

The HBAA does not discriminate against any person or company in accepting paid 
advertising in its newsletter. Acceptance of advertising does not constitute an 
endorsement of the advertiser, its products, services or claims. The HBAA shall 
be held harmless in the event that a newsletter is not published or distributed as 
planned, or in the event that an ad is omitted or incorrectly displayed.

_________________________________________________ ___________ 
Advertiser                                                                                       Date 

_________________________________________________ ___________
HBAA                                                                                             Date  



In the life of your construction business, you will have customer complaints. No matter how well you work with your customers, there are bound to be times when something goes wrong. How you handle that complaint can be the difference between a satisfied customer and a vocal, disgruntled one that can harm your reputation.  Communication is the key to handling any complaint. Take the time to listen to the complaint whether or not you think it is valid. Many times, customers just want to be heard and know that someone has listened even if it doesn�t change the situation. If, for example, the wrong materials get delivered to your job site by the supplier and delays construction, let the homebuyer complain and vent their frustration. Then talk about ways to handle the schedule delay.Addressing a buyer�s complaint also presents a golden opportunity to change the persons mind and retain them as a future customer and source of a positive referral. Beyond listening to the homebuyer, here are a few tips on the process of hearing the complaint that can help you defuse a negative situation:

1. When you start the conversation, ask your customer to sit down. Sitting is a less aggressive posture and if you need to walk away to find something, it stops the customer from pacing, adding to their feelings of agitation.

2. If possible, remove any tables or desks between you. Sitting behind a desk sets up a confrontational situation. You want to make the homebuyer as comfortable as possible and signal that you want to talk

3. Write down the complaint. This does two things: You now have a record of the complaint, and they can see that you are taking their complaint seriously by writing it down. This can also help to calm the buyer down as they will need to pause to give you time to write down the complaint.

4. Handle the complaint as soon as possible. Ensure your buyer that you will resolve the situation quickly or at least respond to them in a timely manner. You are showing them that you heard their complaint and are going to act on it.

Complaints are a fact of doing business. By using these simple strategies, you can demonstrate your desire to resolve the situation and create a positive experience for the buyer.

Article provided by PBA


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