November 2002
MEETING November
11, 2002: The monthly Board of Directors Meeting begins at 6:30 P.M.
at the Surf �N Turf Restaurant in Johnstown PA.
GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING October 7, 2002: The general membership meeting will be held at the Windber American Legion. Cocktails begin at 6:30 P.M. and dinner at 7:00 P.M. . Thanks to our sponsor DINNER IS FREE. Ken Sagan, from the Housing Research Center, will be our speaker. He plans to talk about the new building codes. Our November 2002 Sponsor is LOWE�S
MEETING WINNERS If you R.S.V.P. the H.B.A.A. office before noon Friday November 1st, 2002 you may be the RSVP winner. Our phone is 269-9268, and our fax is 266-5108. In addition, during non-business hours we have an answering machine to receive your RSVP. To become the ambassador winner, be the sixth person to shake hands at the meeting with the secret ambassador. THE HBAA HOMESHOW IS SCHEDULED FOR THE FIRST WEEK OF MAY 2003. DO YOU ATTEND YOUR QUOTA OF MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS THIS YEAR?
IT COULD COST YOU $25 TO $50! YOU MUST ATTEND YOUR QUOTA OF GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS BEFORE JANUARY 1, 2003. Builder members must attend 2 meeting per year and Associate members must attend 1 meeting per year.
CODE OFFICERS If you want to become a construction code officer. Contact Pat Dumm at 495-4275, he has applications for becoming a Certified Code Officer. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS