June 2006
We have reserved Pavillion 15 for our annual Family Picnic on Sunday, July 23 at DelGrosso�s Amusement Park, Old Rt. 220, Tipton, PA. The Park opens at 8:00AM. The rides and pool open at 11:00AM. Admission into the Park, is free!! However you will need a ticket for the following: $ Meal Ticket - Everyone needs this ticket, which must be presented when in line for the HBAA meal. It will be chicken and ribs combo dinner and will be served about 4:00PM. You can choose between an adult or child meal ticket. ($3 adult / $3 Child) $ Ride/Pool Ticket - This all-day pass (Good for July 23rd only) allows you to ride and/or use the pool/waterworks area. If you do not plan to go on rides or use the pool area, no ride/pool ticket is necessary. (Price $3)
The following are other amusements offered at the Park, and tickets can be purchased on an individual basis: Go-Karts, Pony Rides, Water Slides, and Miniature Golf.
Each HBAA member can be sold five ride/pool tickets and five meal tickets at the above prices. Any additional tickets that might be necessary will be at the discounted price of $10 per ride ticket and $9 per meal ticket. Tickets will go on sale at the end of this month at the following locations:
Penstan Supply HOPE TO
2006 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING SPONSORS If you would like to sponsor a general membership meeting contact Walt Brosius at 539-3751. If you would like to sponsor a Northern Cambria meeting contact Al Lieb at 948-9897.
07/14/06 - HBAA golf
outing at
07/23/06 - HBAA family picnic at 03/15/07 thru 03/18/07 - HBAA Homeshow
�If you watch a game, it�s fun. If you play it, it�s recreation. If you work at it , it�s golf.� Bob Hope
Join us in welcoming our new HBAA member Chris Lafferly from Allied Waterproofing Products Inc.