February 2005
Much much more
IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE HBAA GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS We request your help and cooperation to determine in advance the general membership meeting attendance. If you plan to attend the meeting, please let us know at the HBAA by either fax (266-5108) or telephone (269-9268). Both the fax and answering machine are available 24 hours a day. If you RSVP before noon Friday February 4th, you could be the RSVP winner at the meeting and win up to $25 in cash. If you are friendly and like to shake hands you could win $10. At each general membership meeting our HBAA President chooses a secret Ambassador. If you are the sixth person to shake the Ambassador�s hand at the meeting then you can win up to $10 in cash. Shake someone�s hand and meet a new friend. 2005
If you would like to sponsor a general membership meeting contact Walt Freidhoff at 535-8371.
If you would like to sponsor a
Northern Cambria meeting contact Al Lieb at 948-9897 Arrange to sponsor a meeting now and you are more likely to get the month you desire.