Dec 2003


President Walt Brosius

Vice President Al Lieb 
                       Leon Lechene

Treasurer Denny Squillario

Associate Vice President Jim Buhaly

State Directors Al Lieb
                        Leon Lechene
                        Denny Squillario

Alternate State Directors Mike Murray
                                      Joel Bowser
                                      Bob Feather
                                      Chuck Bowser

Building Directors Denny Squillario
                            Doug Weaver
                            Leon Lechene
                            Bob Demchak

Associate Directors Jeff Hoffecker
                               Larry Betcher
                               Dwayne Walters
                               Joe Carpenter

National Directors Mike Murray
                            Walt Brosius

Alternate National Directors Darrell Dumm
                                           Leon Lechene


January                no meeting
February              Kohl Building Products
March                  First National Bank of Penna.
April                    Builder Services Inc.
May                     none
June                     none
September           Dominion Peoples
October               The Long Barn
November            Penelec "A First Energy Company"
December            Christmas Party

If you would like to sponsor a general membership meeting contact Walt Freidhoff at 535-8371. If you would like to sponsor a Northern Cambria meeting contact Al Lieb at 948-9897


            Builders who have paid contributions in aid of construction (CIAC) to gas and electric companies may be entitled to get some of their money back as a result of benefits to utilities contained in the Bush Administration tax bill.  These changes do not apply to water or sewer service.  Also, builders may pay utilities a smaller amount for CIAC through the end of next year.  This spring�s tax-cut accelerated the depreciation schedules for utilities, thus, reducing their taxes. Builders may not have to pay as much to cover the utility�s income taxes due to CIAC.

            The acceleration is retroactive to Sept. 11, 2001, so builders who have paid CIAC since that date may be entitled to a partial refund from the utility, but not from the Internal Revenue Service.  Several factors will determine whether a builder is entitled to a refund from a local utility, the most important of which is the builder�s contract with the company.  Builders are advised to check with their tax professionals to see if the refund is worth pursing.
Under these changed tax rules, you may not need to pay as much to the CIAC until the end of next year, when many provisions of the 2003 tax act expire.  For more information contact Andrew Holliday at NAHB at 800-368-5242 ext 8488

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